The sauna is not just a place to relax, it’s also a powerful tool to release stuck energy in the body. I’ve done it several times with great results.

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in life, not knowing what you want, or feeling chronic stress or tightness in your body? These are signs of blocked energy and in the sauna, the heat can help to loosen this stuck energy, making it easier to move and release.

That, in combination with certain breath and Mindworx techniques, you can let go of things you’ve carried for years.

Techniques to release stuck energy in the sauna

Using awareness techniques is one very effective way to release stuck energy in the sauna. I don’t know what else to call it, but your mental awareness is something you can move around your body, and its how you control this process.

By putting your awareness on the areas of the body where you feel the most tension, or pressure, or something a little uncomfortable, you can use the heat of the sauna as a tool to dissolve it. “Visualize” or “imagine” and actually feel the energy move through your body while in the sauna. The heat will help to loosen it up so that it can flow more freely.

Breathing exercises are also helpful in releasing blocked energy. As you breathe in and out, you can use different techniques to loosen and move energy even more. “Imagine” and feel the heat of the sauna and your breath moving into tense and uncomfortable areas. Sometimes small physical movements, such as stretching, can help to unblock energy from where its sitting. The heat of the sauna helps increase flexibility and make it easier to move and release energy.

Once the energy is loosened from one of these approaches, you can then use your awareness again to literally pull the energy upward toward your heart so it can reintegrate into your body in a healthy way. Or up towards your head and out the top so that it dissolves and fizzles away.

It sounds crazy, I know, but I’ve done it several times. During a good session, I’ll feel lightheaded as the energy moves upwards, but I know its a good and positive thing, and its over in a couple seconds anyway. Getting up and walking out of the sauna, I feel like a different person, because my energy has literally changed, and I’ve released something toxic I was carrying for a long time.

The benefits of regular sauna sessions

When you get out of the sauna and you do this work, you’ll likely feel a sense of lightness and release. With regular sauna sessions, you’ll notice a positive change in your overall wellbeing and energy state. The thing with this type of work, and it really does blow my mind…is how much stuck toxic energy we can carry and still just go about our “normal” daily lives. Of course “normal” would be better without the trapped energy…but anyway.

All that to say, is that to see long-term, permanent, positive change in your energy ‘posture’ (the overall state of energy in your body), this work needs to be done repeatedly. Why? Because there is SO MUCh that needs to be let go.

At least for me, I had an unimaginably stressful four months when my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer and I stayed at my parents’ place to help take care of him. My body onboarding and INSANE amount of stress energy that didn’t get released, and years later I’m still carrying it.

As you do this energy work, you’re peeling off layers of this one by one. Like layers of an onion. Now of course everyone is carrying a different amount of stress energy (hopefully way less than I was!)…but it still takes repetition.

And that’s why the sauna is so powerful, because it helps loosen the energy in the body so that you can let go of more of it at a time. Including the sauna work in your weekly routine can greatly help speed your release and recovery from trapped toxic energy.

Join the conversation and learn more

If you’re looking for a powerful tool to help you heal faster and release blocked energy, consider incorporating sauna sessions into your routine. Its a challenge to talk about emotional and energy based topics with words, since words never really do justice to what we feel.

But I’ve tried here, and its something I’d love to chat more about if you’re interested. Message me on Instagram, send me an email, or if you’re interested in working with me 1:1 or in a group, book a strategy call so we can start getting you to your next level.

To your success,
Top Hūman